The Dwellers and Guardians in the
Underworld, under the Light of
Sirius. The Golden Sons of
Gaia in the Outer Temple
are forged into the Steel of the Brothers
of the Midnight Sun in the
Inner Temple. The Brotherhood’s
members, both incorporeal and incarnate, are all male. The incarnate Brothers are
Inner TempleAdepts. It is they who exhibit true manhood in the Temple
- for they function as Guardians of Power, not the wielders of it. The incorporeal
members form the Body of the Brotherhood
and are lead by their unmanifest brethren which organize themselves into an Alliance
of 15, which is manifest in three different ways. These Greater Brothers all have
a connection to Sirius, Saturn or the Moon. There are many male deities in the Ancient
World associated with the Midnight
Sun in all of its forms, including Nana, Sin, Khonsu, Tahuti (Dahuty, Djehuti
etc.), Setesh and His Herald Anpu, Tum and others.
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