process by which spirit or
spiritual energy becomes materialized. This manifestation can be of some spiritual intelligence such
as an Angel manifesting to visible appearance upon the material plane, or simply
some spiritual energy which causes some effect in the material. All spiritual manifestation follows
a process which includes the steps of
Katarche and Apotelesma.
Katarche is the ruling spiritual
principle or power behind any
manifestation, or the inaugural steps of a ritual to manifest something via
Heka. Katarche
is both the spiritual ruling power and principles which govern the manifestation,
and the impulse which causes it to come into being. The result of this spiritual
impulse or ritual inauguration is the material result of the manifestation itself,
or the Apotelesma. Being
worldly in nature, the connection from the Apotelesma back to the originating Katarche may not always be apparent, unless one can find
the Fila connecting the two events.
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