Helena is a Goddess whose Greek
name is a word which means "wicker, reed, shoot; torch; or basket". Often the word
is interpreted therefore as light, bright and sometimes sun, by extension. It was
a name used for the Great Liberating Mother
in the Graeco-Roman world when the traditional worship of Kybele was banned. Like both Hekate and Kybele,
Helenacarries the torch, which is a symbol for the Guiding Light
of the Spirit in the Underworld which leads to Liberation of the animal self. She is the Mother of the
Fortuitous Angels. She
is sometimes confused with Fortuna,
who is similar in nature but hails from Roman times and culture. She was known as
Hel or Hela in the Northern European traditions, as the root Hel means Fortune in
many languages. Pronounced Hel-lay-nah.
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