The Temple of Babalon in Ophidia
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Answers from the Brotherhood

01 Triangle of Manifestation
04 Seven Guiding Principles
05 Justified Nature of a Thing
06 Principles of Natura
07 The Golden Path
08 The Role of Men in the Temple
10 Concerning the Voice of Babalon

Various questions on our work with Babalon and Her nature

What, exactly, is the work that you do in relation to Babalon and how does Babalon relate to other divine beings? In the section about her the word affinity is used regarding other gods, does this mean that you believe that other gods exist, are they subservient to Babalon or aspects of Her?

Babalon is the primary focus of your devotion, is it a relationship of worship and service or more of a mutual relationship such as other pagan practices have with their Gods? Can She be worshiped as a solitary practitioner? How does She influence your day to day life?

The Inner Temple is in Babalon's service, by choice, and seek to do Her will in the Manifest Realm. The Outer Temple has no such relation to Her in that way, and is oriented towards the Orphetic Mysteries, and learning techniques such as the Triangle of Manifestation, which is used for spirit communication. The Temple in general is concerned with manifestation of Spirit in all its forms. Now the curriculum is designed to introduce initiates to the reality of these normally hidden states of beings in a slow and structured manner, and in a way it can be directly experienced by the Initiate. So one will get to determine for themselves by direct experience what exists and what does not. But unfortunately that experience is non-transferable. I can assert to you most assuredly that many of the Gods are real and actual, but that is just my assertion, and you must experience this for yourself. And you yourself, as your Persona, is the prime tool which will be trained and used to make contact and have communication with such beings. And then you will be left to sort out the consequences of such things at that time, but that is what the Initiations are there to help with. And not to get too far into the weeds, it should be said that this does not mean that all Gods mentioned in history are actual, or are in fact Gods, or are in their nature the same as history reports.

Our interactions on a day-to-day basis with Babalon are probably not clear from the writings. The choice to form an intense relationship with Babalon is a personal one. I do not know what “worship” is, other than some cartoon image of my hands out over some idol chanting “booga booga”. So in that sense, no, there is no worship. What there is, however, is service. In the same way that one may be in service as a guardian, or as a teacher or as a spokesman. The service is chosen by the person because they discover a calling to do so. It is discovered that it is their Will to “serve” Her, usually because it ends up being true that Her agenda and their own in this lifetime are in alignment. In other words, She wants the same changes to occur in this world that you do, for example, and so an alliance is forged. One becomes in service to the purpose of Her being, if one finds that to be true. It is not a service out of fear, as with the Ichthyos and their Yahweh, or because he owns you and can punish you. It is a matter of free choice and Will, and only you, through experience with Her (or any other deity for that matter) can decide if that is to be, or not. As far as solitary devotion to Babalon, this is up to the individual and their own talents and capacity for such things. To some, She is merely a Jungian Archetype or a symbol of some type of female empowerment. Most of those who dislike this Temple also in actuality dislike the idea that She may be real, or that anything other than themselves may become gods. This is an idea Crowley gave them, that they are gods and the spirits are in actuality just in their own minds. They take this idea of their own potential godliness literally, yet have nothing really to show for themselves to make it so. And of a course since in reality a bullet to their head would kill them dead, so much for their supposed godhood. Others of a different nature feel a stirring or calling within themselves, but are too distracted in their life by the existential needs and demands for survival in the modern world to actually dedicate themselves to pursuing what these feelings might mean. These feelings and yearnings are then repressed. These people usually show an affinity for Babalon as a symbol, or as an image in art pieces that matches their internal feelings, but it goes no farther than that because of their circumstances. These people are the most common, and often fight to keep Babalon the same as She is idealized in the images, out of comfort for their feelings about Her. Yet others channel Babalon energy in one form or another, sometimes on drugs, sometimes not – and who can tell what is really taking place there. The Orphetic Mysteries do not involve channeling, trance states or spirit possession. They are ritualistic and ceremonial, repeatable, and verifiable. But the trick is the ability must be awakened and practiced. Very few in history are born naturals, and even then if certain methods are not followed then all of the results will be potentially meaningless.

From the Shadows of the Brotherhood,

In Nomine Babalon et Vox Sanctae Meretricis

Carus Babalonis
Na Nia Het Hotep

Ending Flourish

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