The Temple of Babalon in Ophidia
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Book I: Prosapia
The Axiomata of the Ophidian Lineage

  Chapter 5: On the Nature of Babalon

Book II: Principia
The Philosophy of Ophidian Thelema

  Chapter 5: The Nature of the World Soul II
  Chapter 6: The Priestesses of Heka
  Chapter 7: The Ordeals of Underworld
  Chapter 8: The Principles of the
                      Great Liberating Mother
  Chapter 9: The Brotherhood of the Midnight Sun

Book III: Natura
The Customs of the Ophidian Indigene

Book IV: Commentaria
The Account of Ophidian Proclamations

  ... more coming soon

Book V: Heka
The Rituals of the Temple.

(To remain mostly unpublished.)

Book VI: Liber Spirituum
The Records of the Spirits.

(To remain unpublished.)

The Magickal Philosophy of Templum Babalonis

Book 1 - Prosapia

The Axiomata of Ophidian Thelema

Also known as: The Lineage

Ophidian Star


In Nomine Babalon et Vox Sanctae Meretricis. I honor you,
Divine manifestation of all that is the union of fire and water
The potency of Female Divine Spirit
The Fire of Will, and the Love of Water
United with force, with passion, with wisdom, with inspiration,
Inspiration derived from the blackness of the deepest knowing.

Your Love, under your virility of Will,
Manifests through lust, through desire,
With a potency that drives most mad by their own fear.
Death is not a shadow in your army,
But a lover who caresses a true king.

I honor you, Dea Babalon
I serve you,
I build my fire, and feed your fire,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
I seek to manifest you through my existence.

I honor you with my service
I honor you with my devotion
It is my Will to serve you
Love is the Law, Love Under Will

It is with these words that I honor my Mother on a daily basis. Do not be fooled by words, however, for it is the meaning contained both within them, and in the saying of them, that is significant.

It is in the actions that one takes every moment of their existence that contains the meaning. It is in the energy by which one exists. It is in the filas that one makes.

To make such an oath is permanent, for when one takes an Oath of Heka and of Spirit, of devotion and service, one is forever branded.

To violate an oath one does not receive death. Death is not a punishment. Death is a progression. To violate an oath is to be un-made. Dissolution. There are beings who await to enact such Justice. Even the most feared of demons, fear this. To be un-made.

"…jasmine & rose, and the emblems of death."

Divider Flourish

I have spent much time observing this age. Since I was terribly young within this incarnation. There is much horror here. There is much sorrow and pain. There have been several great shifts over time in this realm, in this world. Things related in legends, in mythologies, in shadows, dreams, and nightmares.

I am the one who is sent at such times. I am the Principalia. The First. Yet never have we seen such a state of humanity. This fall is the worse yet. And we know who and what is responsible. We wait. We wait. Change draws near.

I am sent because I am the Warrior King. I will do what is necessary. In Nomine Babalon.

"I will give you a war-engine. With it ye shall smite the peoples; and none shall stand before you."

Divider Flourish

These are the words of Her Brother:

" Ra Hoor KhuitMy lord initiating be O so present among us. Thy feathered wings expanding tip to tip to cover the horizon. Sing forth O great hawk-headed lord for thy call brings terror to the hearts of those that hear your battle cry. And as your tail flicks and your shadow covers them in darkness, they will remember that your fury is not yet known but only hinted at, as the shroud of the night star light surrounds them.

Head my cry, and come forth O children of the stars and be one with my minions for you art to prepare the way for this Aeon to take hold with a shudder that exalts itself before the many. Be it ever the wisest among us who can see the truth and who can behold the beauty that it sheds over you. These are the times that try the souls of men and that bring forth the future that surrounds us.

Be it the many or the little known, be it the great one or the smallest, be it the great throne before you that you see and ascendeth before you to the west. I am thy great father fire that feeds and obliterates, the voice that calls forth. Be that fire with the hopes and dreams and not the failure of the future, for it is in my eye, my divine nature, that I call you thus. It is never to be forgotten that these words hold forth truth and consequence. That before you comes the greatness, the hopes and will of my beating wings…

And upon this time it is my greatest light that you bear as a torch to light the way. And in my divine presence those who are among us will show themselves to be for the right and principled, ready to forge ahead. It is with my might and a severed arm that a true leader must bring forth , unbeknownst to many. Who will sing the praises of this glorious day and will bring the masses into the future with a lighted star shining above his head. And it is in this way that it will come to pass."

It is the Hagia, incarnated, who bears the torch, manifest. She has been shown, goat-headed, torch upon the head. She bears the mark of the Underworld, and she leads those who seek the Mysteries to the threshold.

While man searches for meaning in Prophecy, we wait to lead those who seek understanding beyond the veil. It is not the mind that knows Prophecy. It is the Spirit.

"I am The Empress & the Hierophant."

Divider Flourish

Behold, my children. We are the People of the Serpent. Those who feel the burning within themselves know it is time to seek the Will of their Spirit, to stand before Her. Bring your Passions. Let my hand touch your burning check, and my lips quench the fires upon your brow. The door is closing. You do not have much time left.

Hagia Aureavia.

"There is the dove, and there is the serpent. Choose ye well!"

Hagia Aureavia

Hagia Aureavia

Ending Flourish

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Reuse without express written permission is forbidden.